
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rep. Wilson shouts, 'You lie' to Obama during speech -

Rep. Wilson shouts, 'You lie' to Obama during speech -

About the Speech Tonight

Mr.President, forget the Republicans kick them to the curve, forget Ben Nelson and Max Baucus, forget the Blue Dogs,(they won't get re-elected). Republicans have been horrible to you Mr. President and your administration from day one. It's time to move on and let them wallow in their misery.

I have high expectations on the President's speech tonight. He will be direct, tough, definitive, not wavering, clear and precise. He will grab hold of this drifting debate about health care reform and impose not just clarity but a sense of purpose and direction.

"Well, the time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action," he said.(President Obama).

President Obama said the legislation he seeks would guarantee insurance to consumers, regardless of pre-existing medical conditions, as well as other protections. "As soon as I sign this bill, it will be against the law for insurance companies to drop your coverage when you get sick or water it down when you need it most," he added in the excerpts released in advance.

The president also assured those with insurance that "nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have."

Monday, September 7, 2009

He's trying to indoctrinate our kids.

You have got to be kidding me? Those crazy, paranoid, right wing-nuts are just that, crazy and paranoid. What a bunch of jack asses. Those lunatics harbor so much hatred and prejudice, I wonder how they sleep at night. (No I don't). How can they live with themselves.

They have spent the last week whipping themselves into a frenzy over President Obama's speech tomorrow in which he will indoctrinate the nation's school children using the instruments of mass media.

Those ignorant morans really believe that the President of the United States would give a harmful speech on education. Something that he is most passionate about. What the hell are they afraid of? Why do they fear this man so much?

Prepared text of Obama's speech to school students - Yahoo! News

Prepared text of Obama's speech to school students - Yahoo! News

Obama exhorts kids to pay attention in school - Yahoo! News

Obama exhorts kids to pay attention in school - Yahoo! News

By Any Means Necessary

By Any Means Necessary

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We need health care reform now. Not next year or the year after, BUT NOW. Most Americans are in favor of Health Care Reform. So what is all this hoopla against health care reform? I'll tell you. It's those crazy right wing-nuts who are determined to bring President Obama down. They are adamant (utterly unyielding in attitude or opinion)about wanting to destroy the first Black President of The United States of America. I've said it before, and I'll say now, along with the GOP, there are many RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS in this country who have not accepted the fact that the President is "A BLACK MAN".
And now they are at it again. The claim that President Obama is trying to indoctrinate our children. Is there no end to their madness?

Citizen Legislature Project

Citizen Legislature Project
Join Citizens for California Reform in our effort to bring accountability back to Sacramento by returning California to a Part Time Legislature.
Since statehood, California has experimented with how frequently and for what periods of time the Legislature should meet in session. Sessions have been one year or two years, limited and unlimited in duration, with and without mandatory intervening recesses, and limited to certain legislative matters during specific types of legislative sessions.

The biggest change came in 1966 when California voters enacted a sweeping revision of the State Constitution, including a provision providing for a full-time Legislature with no limitation on the duration of a legislative session.

Our full-time Legislature has failed the people of California. The result is a Legislature dominated by career politicians beholden to special interests. A part-time Legislature will replace professional politicians with citizen legislators and break the stranglehold of these special interests.

Full-time politicians are completely out of touch with the people they represent. By shortening the legislative season, we will take power away from Sacramento and return it to our local communities to ensure that legislators have a better sense of the needs of their communities.

Citizens for California Reform has filed proposed ballot initiative language with the state’s Attorney General to create a part-time, citizen-legislature.

The Citizen Legislature Act outlines a legislative session, which will convene in regular session on the first Monday in January of each year for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days. The Legislature will then reconvene in regular session on the first Monday in May for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days.

SECTION 1. Title.
This Act shall be known and may be cited as “The Citizen Legislature Act.”
SECTION 2. Findings and Purposes.
The People of the State of California hereby make the following findings and declare that
their purpose in enacting this Act is as follows:
(a) California’s experiment with a “full-time” Legislature has failed. The result has been
a Legislature dominated by career politicians beholden to special interests. Legislators do not
work “full-time” yet they receive full-time pay and benefits, more than double the amount of all
other states. Yet, with all of these incentives, they continually fail to accomplish their most
important job, passing a balanced state budget on-time.
(b) California needs and deserves a Legislature that is only interested in conducting the
people’s business. Most states have a part-time Legislature, including some of the largest and
most populous. A part-time Legislature will replace professional politicians with citizen
legislators and will break the stranglehold of special interests. It will reduce the number of
unnecessary and self-serving bills and will result in a more responsible and accountable
government institution.
(c) In order to further these and the purposes stated in section 1.5, the people hereby
amend the California Constitution to enact the “Citizen Legislature Act.”
SECTION 3. Constitutional Amendment
Section 3.5 of Article IV of the California Constitution is added to read as follows:
Sec. 3.5(a) The Legislature shall reconvene in regular session on the first Monday in
January of each year for a period not to exceed 30 calendar days, whereupon the Legislature
shall stand in recess. The Legislature shall reconvene in regular session on the first Monday in
May for a period not to exceed 60 calendar days.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the Legislature may reconvene for an additional
period of 5 days following recess or adjournment to reconsider bills vetoed by the Governor
pursuant to section 10.
SECTION 4. Operative Date/Severability
(a) Section 3.5 shall become effective immediately, however it shall become operative for
the biennium session commencing on the first Monday in December in 2012.
(b) If any part of this measure or the application to any person or circumstance is held
invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications which can reasonably be
given effect without the invalid provision or application.

Frequently Asked Questions
Citizen Legislature
What is a Citizen Legislature? A Citizen Legislature is composed of every-day citizens, not professional politicians, who meet on a part-time basis to pass the state budget and consider new legislation.

Why does California need a Citizen Legislature? California’s experiment with a “full-time” Legislature has failed. The result has been a legislature dominated by career politicians beholden to special interests that continually fails to accomplish their most important job, passing a balanced state budget on time.

How will a Citizen Legislature help California? A Citizen Legislature will break the stranglehold of special interests, provide Californians with better representation and shakeup the status quo in Sacramento. It will also reduce the number of unnecessary and self-servicing bills and will result in a more responsible and accountable government institution.

Is California too big for a Part-Time Citizen Legislature? No, but California is too big for a legislature that fails year after year to pass an on time budget and is no long responsive to the people. Most states have a part-time Legislature, including some of the largest and most populous.

Friday, September 4, 2009

That's the way to give that Obamacare supporter your finger.

Hey do fries go with that finger? See wingnuts, this is what you get when you try to give his O ness your finger, you lose it. Yep seems that these health care debates are getting rather heated. Those damn Obamaholics are finally coming out to stand by their man. What were you wingnuts thinking? Did you really think that you were the only ones who were going to come out swinging...or should I say biting at these debates? There is passion on both sides.



But it's nice to see that you wingnuts are fighting back . -There is nothing like a vibrant political debate- I bet poor Luis Perrero didn't know what hit him.



"I'm amazed at the way this has become such a politicized issue,'' Perrero said as he sat on the ground holding his jaw. ``It shows that people who are against the public option will resort to anything -- including battery on a senior citizen -- to prevent healthcare reform.''



Oh come on Luis; man up. You took one for the home team. I know you are 65 but we need every able bodied man and woman out there fighting these wingnuts.



Still, in spite of Luis doing like Sony Liston, this round goes to the Obamacare folks.



"The Obamacare supporter, who was on the side of the street with other supporters, came across the street toward the anti-Obamacare crowd and singled out an elderly man and proceeded to “get in his face” about his views. The Obamacare supporter then pulled the old man out into the street, unprovoked I might add, and then bit the old guys finger off while the old guy was just trying to get away. The old man then shuffled off toward a hospital.

I then went out into the street and found the old man’s finger. We called 911 and the dispatcher gave them the location to the nearest hospital which she said would be their best bet for finding the man. They rushed over and were able to find the old man and provide him with his finger. I went back to the scene to wait for police and gave the police the entire account and they tried to find the attacker amongst the Obamacare supports, but he had fled by then." [From Beetle Blogger]



Boy wingnuts really are dumb. If someone went Mike Tyson on my finger I guarantee you that I wouldn't be "shuffling" to the hospital. Nope, I would be doing my best Usain Bolt imitation. And here is the irony: seems the old wingnut is covered by Medicare. So, in essence, the very kind of program that he is protesting against is what paid for his medical treatment in the first place. But don't worry for the old guy. All is well that ends well, because it seems that they were able to find his finger. I sure hope they can reattach it for him. He is going to need that finger to give the Socialist president in the beige house a proper salute.


Posted by field negro