
Friday, September 4, 2009

That's the way to give that Obamacare supporter your finger.

Hey do fries go with that finger? See wingnuts, this is what you get when you try to give his O ness your finger, you lose it. Yep seems that these health care debates are getting rather heated. Those damn Obamaholics are finally coming out to stand by their man. What were you wingnuts thinking? Did you really think that you were the only ones who were going to come out swinging...or should I say biting at these debates? There is passion on both sides.



But it's nice to see that you wingnuts are fighting back . -There is nothing like a vibrant political debate- I bet poor Luis Perrero didn't know what hit him.



"I'm amazed at the way this has become such a politicized issue,'' Perrero said as he sat on the ground holding his jaw. ``It shows that people who are against the public option will resort to anything -- including battery on a senior citizen -- to prevent healthcare reform.''



Oh come on Luis; man up. You took one for the home team. I know you are 65 but we need every able bodied man and woman out there fighting these wingnuts.



Still, in spite of Luis doing like Sony Liston, this round goes to the Obamacare folks.



"The Obamacare supporter, who was on the side of the street with other supporters, came across the street toward the anti-Obamacare crowd and singled out an elderly man and proceeded to “get in his face” about his views. The Obamacare supporter then pulled the old man out into the street, unprovoked I might add, and then bit the old guys finger off while the old guy was just trying to get away. The old man then shuffled off toward a hospital.

I then went out into the street and found the old man’s finger. We called 911 and the dispatcher gave them the location to the nearest hospital which she said would be their best bet for finding the man. They rushed over and were able to find the old man and provide him with his finger. I went back to the scene to wait for police and gave the police the entire account and they tried to find the attacker amongst the Obamacare supports, but he had fled by then." [From Beetle Blogger]



Boy wingnuts really are dumb. If someone went Mike Tyson on my finger I guarantee you that I wouldn't be "shuffling" to the hospital. Nope, I would be doing my best Usain Bolt imitation. And here is the irony: seems the old wingnut is covered by Medicare. So, in essence, the very kind of program that he is protesting against is what paid for his medical treatment in the first place. But don't worry for the old guy. All is well that ends well, because it seems that they were able to find his finger. I sure hope they can reattach it for him. He is going to need that finger to give the Socialist president in the beige house a proper salute.


Posted by field negro

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