
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Health Care Madness!

Forget college basketball; the real March Madness is taking place down in Washington. (BTW, I love your pics O man) Poor republicans, they are acting downright apocalyptic these days. If you here them tell it, A-merry-ca, as we know it, will be over in a few days. Come Sunday night, Socialism will have taken over A-merry-ca, and darkness will fall over our republic. Why? Well it's all because of that beige man with the African daddy and the mother from Kansas. He decided to upset the apple cart.

It's so bad that Michelle Bachmann, an elected Representative from the land of the great lakes(I think all that cold up there might have chilled the brains of some of the voters in the land of Prince), is calling for the impeachment of Nancy Pelosi. Glenn Beck is calling this the most traumatic event in A-merry-ca since the civil war, and he has all but told his O ness to watch his back. I just watched Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, (real nice guy that John Boehner) and a bunch of angry white men declare war on this health care bill, and you could just tell from the looks on their faces that if this thing passes they will all have to be put on suicide watch. Over at Radio Rwanda they are taking calls from republican operatives live on the air and telling their viewers that the bill could still die. The wingnut web sites are beside themselves with rage. They are accusing the dumbocrats of lying and cheating to get their way. Oh what a difference a few years make.

Still, the votes are going to be close. I am hearing that this bill might pass by just one vote. Imagine that? One vote! I am still seeing images of all those people in Grant Park and I am hearing those chants of "Yes We Can" in my ears, and I can't believe that if his O ness passes his signature legislation- one that he has damn near staked his entire presidency on- it will only pass by one stinking vote.

I see Dennis Kucininich switched. Good for him. ( Now there is a guy who married up. Literally.) Hey, I am not crazy about this watered down version of a bill, either. But hell, I guess it's better than nothing. In a way, I might have switched my thinking as well. I didn't know how much passing this bad boy meant to his O ness. He canceled his trip to Australia and Indonesia, he went on Radio Rwanda, and he has been literally begging fence sitters for votes. Damn it O man, all you had to do was ask. I would have gotten your back a lot sooner.

I want to know what the wingnuts will do if the bill does pass. They have been threatening all kinds of shit. It should be interesting. Will they storm the people's house and pull the beige man and his family out? Will there be rioting and looting in the streets? Will the teabaggers have a sit down in the middle of Washington D.C and shut down the city? Man they have a lot of options. And, they might have to use them. I see the CBO report just came out and it should give some of those cowardly dumbocratic politicians some cover. As a result, look for a couple of more yes votes flipping for his O ness.
Hang on folks, this should be more fun than a buzzer beater.

*Pic courtesy of
Written by field negro

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