
Monday, December 17, 2012

I understand the pro-gun and anti-gun people

By: Doron Fletcher

 I understand the pro-gun and anti-gun people. So, to make everyone one happy, let's ban ammunition. People can keep their guns, and others won't have to worry as much about being shot. In addition, I am on the fence regarding this debate. Economically speaking, a gun ban won't stop these killings. There are so many guns already out there, that getting one on the black market wouldn't be hard. Marijuana anyone? On the other hand, I don't understand why people need an AK or an AR. Have a handgun to protect your family in your house, or a shotgun and rifle for hunting, but not an AK or AR. And for those who carry a gun on a daily basis claiming to be ready for the crazy guy who wants to kill you. We non-carry people think you are the crazy person wanting to kill.

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