
Monday, September 23, 2013

Reid vows health law wіll nоt bе defunded

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., ѕаіd Monday thаt Republicans face twо options bу week's end: accept а stopgap spending bill thаt leaves untouched President Obama's health care law, оr shut dоwn thе government.

"We're nоt gоіng tо bow tо Tea Party anarchists whо deny thе mere fact thаt Obamacare іѕ thе law," Reid said. "We wіll nоt bow tо Tea Party anarchists whо refuse tо accept thаt thе Supreme Court ruled thаt Obamacare іѕ constitutional."

Debate оn thе stopgap spending bill wіll consume Senate debate thіѕ week, аnd а vote соuld соmе аѕ late аѕ thіѕ weekend tо sustain government funding levels thrоugh mid-December. A cadre оf Republicans, led bу Sens. Ted Cruz оf Texas аnd Mike Lee оf Utah, vowed tо uѕе еvеrу Senate procedural delaying tactic tо prolong thе debate.

Cruz appeared оn thе Senate floor wіth Reid аnd immediately objected tо а mundane motion tо соnѕіdеr nominations, аn early sign thаt hе intends tо mаkе good оn hіѕ pledge. Cruz аgаіn spoke оn thе Senate floor lаtеr Monday іn whісh hе mаdе hіѕ case аgаіnѕt thе health care law аѕ harmful tо thе economy.

"This law іѕ hurting thе American people, аnd it's whу thеrе іѕ bipartisan consensus оutѕіdе оf Washington D.C. thаt wе nееd tо step uр аnd stop it," Cruz said. Thе Texas Republican аlѕо sought tо flip thе perception thаt congressional Republicans wоuld bе tо blame іf а shutdown occurs. "(Reid) іѕ wіllіng tо force еvеn а government shutdown іn order tо insist thаt Obamacare іѕ funded," Cruz said.

Mоrе thаn а dozen Senate Republicans hаvе bееn critical оf Cruz's procedural tactics, аlthоugh thеrе іѕ unanimous GOP opposition tо thе law. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., announced Monday thаt hе wоuld oppose а filibuster underscoring thе reality thаt Reid hаѕ thе 60 votes hе wіll nееd tо move fоrwаrd wіth thе bill.

Congressional Republicans аrе waging а two-pronged war аgаіnѕt Obamacare, whісh begins open enrollment Oct. 1. Thе GOP seeks tо defund thе law оn thе stopgap spending bill. Aѕ а backstop, Republicans аlѕо seek tо delay implementation оf thе law fоr а year аѕ part оf а vote tо raise thе debt ceiling, thе nation's borrowing limit, рrоbаblу bу mid-October.

Friday, thе GOP-led House passed а stopgap spending bill thаt wоuld kеер thе government running thrоugh Dec. 15 аt thе current annual $986 billion funding levels. Republicans аlѕо attached legislation thаt wоuld defund thе president's health care law. Thе Senate wіll tаkе uр thе spending bill thіѕ week аnd strip оut thе Obamacare language bеfоrе sending іt bасk tо thе House.

At thаt point, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, wіll hаvе thrее options: reject it, approve іt оr amend іt аnd send іt bасk tо thе Senate again. If thе Senate runs оut thе clock оn debate, а vote соuld соmе аѕ late аѕ Sunday giving House Republicans lіttlе mоrе thаn 24 hours tо respond. A shutdown wоuld bеgіn Oct. 1.

White House spokesman Jay Carney ѕаіd Monday thаt Obama wіll "likely" meet wіth congressional leaders ѕооn tо discuss thе budget stalemate. Thе president hаѕ ѕаіd hе wоuld support а stopgap spending measure thаt dоеѕ nоt affect thе healthcare law, аnd hе hаѕ vowed nоt tо negotiate оvеr thе terms оf а debt ceiling increase. "He's mаdе іt abundantly clear thаt fiddling аrоund wіth thе prospect оf default іѕ utterly irresponsible аnd wе саnnоt dо it," Carney said.

Thе Pew Research Center released а poll Monday showing thе public wоuld blame Republicans, 39%, аbоut аѕ muсh аѕ thеу wоuld President Obama, 36%, іf thе government shuts down. Thе public іѕ аlmоѕt evenly divided оvеr whеthеr thеу bеlіеvе а deal wіll bе cut bу thе Sept. 30 deadline: 46% ѕау а deal wіll bе reached, 45% ѕау nо deal.

A clear majority, 57%, wаnt lawmakers tо compromise аnd avert а shutdown, whіlе one-third wаnt lawmakers tо stand thеіr ground, еvеn іf іt means а shutdown. Support fоr а shutdown іѕ driven bу self-identified Tea Party Republicans, 71% оf whісh ѕау lawmakers ѕhоuld nоt compromise. Juѕt 20% оf Republicans ѕау thеу wаnt compromise.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Colin Powell Facebook Page Hacked

Report Shows Attack Instigated by Same Hacker to Hit Bush FamilyFormer secretary of state Colin Powell is the latest high-profile hack.

Powell’s Facebook account was hacked this morning by someone with a serious dislike for both him and his former boss, former U.S. president George W. Bush. Powell’s Facebook page was full of insults and vulgar comments such as: “Bush is walking in his room with a KluKluxKlan hat on his traded head.”

“You will burn in hell, Bush!,” read another post.

Powell’s Facebook page was pulled down as soon as the messages were spotted. Powell apologized to his followers with the following statement: “Dear Friends, as most of you realize, my fb page has obviously been hacked. I’m sorry you have to see all the stupid, obscene posts that are popping up. Please ignore as we are working with fb to take care of this problem. I appreciate your patience.”

The page was up an running again just a few hours later with this message: “Dear friends, I’m happy to report that the hacking problem has been fixed. We have been working with (Facebook) this morning and they took immediate action to remedy the situation.”

The breach was reportedly orchestrated by Guccifer, the same person who hacked the e-mail accounts of Bush and his father former U.S. president George Bush Sr. last month, according to The Smoking Gun. Guccifer reportedly hacked the AOL e-mail account of Dorothy Bush Koch to gain access to the e-mail accounts of her father and brother.
Also compromised were the accounts of Scott Pierce, brother-in-law and uncle, an unspecified sister-in-law and aunt, Williard Heminway, a friend of the senior Bush, family friend Jim Nantz and another unspecified account.

The Secret Service and the FBI are currently investigating the incident.
Along with the comments that appeared on Powell’s page were screen shots of Guccifer’s previous access to the Bush’s e-mail accounts, family photos and photos of two self-portraits Bush Jr. e-mailed to his sister in December.

According to The Smoking Gun, Guccifer also added the images to a Facebook album on Powell’s page entitled “GEORGE ‘DUBYA’ WALKER BUSH HACKING.” Over top of the posts “Guccifer” was written in red.

By: Jennifer Cowan

Monday, March 4, 2013

Guns Made America: Guns Will Break America

From the time Europeans bought gun powder from the Chinese and devised a way to take the lives of other men, the white culture has used this deadly invention to terrorize the world. Thinking of bigger and more destructive ways to kill more and more people at one time instead of with a single shot.

With this weapon in conjunction with the threat of death, the white man have dominated countries across the globe. Taken natural resources, murdered villages, nations of people, and stolen what was naturally theirs. They have built an entire country on the procedure of fear and murder. They have no remorse, sympathy, or concern for any culture other than their own.

They have made survival of the fittest a most murderous a lifestyle; a mind-set, a normal way of life. Indoctrinating the country's citizens with this same mind-set; to be ruthless in business, selfish in personal desire, and cut-throat in getting ahead even if it means taking from the poor to make a gain of their own.

Guns are now for sport and competition. They are now an excuse to live and defend against what the media has described as crazed, dangerous mental patients drugged off the creation of money-greedy capitalist drug companies and corporations supported by the federal government. Guns are a necessity for everyone so anyone can have an excuse to kill someone of another race without question.

Violence and murder lay wait in the darkness of a deep mental illusion of paranoia created by the madness of a children of ancient history. Police carry guns and walk through elementary schools, through shopping malls, down quiet neighborhood streets awaiting any suspicious movement perpetrated by any suspicious character.

Violence and death shall surely bring down a country that believes the answer to war is more war and the answer to gun violence is more guns.

© 2013 by CR Hamilton

Monday, February 25, 2013

U.S. justice denounces prosecutor's racially charged question

U.S. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor gestures to the audience after speaking at The Commonwealth Club of California in San Francisco, California January 28, 2013. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
(Reuters) - Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Monday condemned racially charged language used by a federal prosecutor in Texas.

The justice, appointed to the court by President Barack Obama in 2009, took the relatively unusual step of writing a statement to accompany the nine-member Supreme Court's announcement that it would not take up a criminal case.
Sotomayor took issue with the question asked by the prosecutor, identified in the trial transcript as Assistant U.S. Attorney Sam Ponder.
While questioning an African-American defendant in a drug case, Ponder asked: "You've got African-Americans, you've got Hispanics, you've got a bag full of money. Does that tell you - a light bulb doesn't go off in your head and say, this is a drug deal?"
The first Hispanic Supreme Court justice, Sotomayor wrote that the prosecutor had "tapped a deep and sorry vein of racial prejudice that has run through the history of criminal justice in our nation."
The question was "pernicious in its attempt to substitute racial stereotype for evidence," she added. Sotomayor also accused the Obama administration of playing down the issue.
The defendant in the case, Bongani Charles Calhoun, wanted the Supreme Court to order a retrial because he said his right to a fair trial was violated when the question was asked. He was convicted of three offenses over his role in a drug conspiracy.
Initially, the administration declined to file a response to Calhoun's claim, indicating government lawyers did not think it merited attention.
"I hope never to see a case like this again," Sotomayor wrote.
Justice Stephen Breyer signed on to Sotomayor's statement.
Reached by telephone on Monday, Ponder declined to comment.
A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Texas, where Ponder is listed as working, said the matter had been referred to the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Professional Responsibility, which handles allegations of attorney misconduct. He declined to comment further.
Tom Moran, the Houston-based lawyer who filed Calhoun's Supreme Court petition, said Sotomayor's statement should be taken to heart by other prosecutors.
Moran said Ponder "got slapped around pretty good" by the justice.
The Supreme Court did not take up the case on Monday, because Calhoun had failed to raise his argument earlier in the appeals process, as required under the law, Sotomayor wrote.
At trial, Calhoun's argument was that although he was present when federal agents arrested him and several other men, he was unaware of the illegal activity.
The case is Calhoun v. United States, U.S. Supreme Court, 12-6142.
(Reporting by Lawrence Hurley; Editing by Howard Goller and Mohammad Zargham)

Republican Senator McCain says Hagel not qualified as defense secretary

U.S. Senator John McCain (D-AZ) questions former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel (Not Pictured) during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Hagel's nomination to be Defense Secretary, on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 31, 2013. REUTERS/Larry Downing
(Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain on Sunday said his former colleague Chuck Hagel was not qualified to be U.S. defense secretary but the Senate would likely vote on his nomination rather than hold it up with procedural hurdles.

Before going on a weeklong recess, Republican lawmakers succeeded in delaying a Senate vote on Hagel's nomination earlier this month. Hagel is expected to win confirmation if a vote is held because Democrats control 55 votes in the 100-seat Senate.
"I do not believe that Chuck Hagel, who is a friend of mine, is qualified to be secretary of defense," McCain of Arizona said on CNN's "State of the Union" show.
"I believe that when the questions are answered, and I believe they will be by this coming week that the president deserves an up or down vote" on Hagel, said McCain, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Hagel's nomination was likely to go for a vote in the Senate "barring some additional revelation," he said.
Hagel, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, angered Republicans when as senator he broke from his party by opposing former President George W. Bush's handling of the Iraq war.
Republicans are demanding more information from the administration related to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, last year.
The Senate confirmation vote on John Brennan for CIA director also faces delay over the request by Republicans for more information related to Benghazi.
"I don't want to put a hold on anybody, but the American people deserve answers about Benghazi. There are so many questions that are still out there, including what was the president doing the night Benghazi happened?" McCain said.
(Reporting by Tabassum Zakaria; Editing by Eric Walsh)

Kerry makes first foreign trip as top U.S. diplomat

Secretary of State John Kerry smiles following his meeting with Canada's Foreign Minister John Baird (not pictured) at the State Department in Washington, February 8, 2013. REUTERS/Jason Reed
(Reuters) - John Kerry views his first trip as U.S. secretary of state as a listening tour, but the leaders he meets will want to hear whether he has any new ideas on SyriaIran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Kerry arrived on Sunday in London, the first stop on a nine-nation, 11-day trip that will also take him to Berlin, Paris, Rome, Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha before he returns home on March 6.
After talks with allies in London, Berlin and Paris, the centerpiece of Kerry's European tour is a visit to Rome where he hopes to meet members of the Syrian opposition as well as a wider group of nations seeking to support them in their nearly two-year quest to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Those talks, however, appeared to be in some doubt as a result of dissension within the opposition about the utility of such international meetings given the continuing violence.
Nearly 70,000 people have been killed in Syria's civil war in the last 22 months since fighting broke out between rebels trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and government forces and allied militias.
"The Syrian opposition leadership is under severe pressure now from its membership, from the Syrian people, to get more support from the international community and in that context there's quite a bit of internal discussion about the value of going to international conferences," the official told reporters travelling with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
"The point that we're trying to make ... is that they have an opportunity in Rome with the meeting that the Italians have offered to host to see the very countries that have been their greatest supporters," the official said.
President Barack Obama has limited U.S. support to non-lethal aid for the rebels who, despite receiving weapons from countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, are poorly armed compared to Assad's army and loyalist militias.
U.S. officials travelling with Kerry declined to say what new thoughts he may have on ending the violence.
They also said they did not expect any breakthroughs in Berlin on Tuesday when he meets Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov of Russia, which along with China has blocked U.N. Security Council resolutions to sanction the Assad government.
Russia has said that insisting on Assad's departure as a condition for peace negotiations between the government and the opposition would prevent such talks from ever taking place. The opposition, backed by the United States and much of Europe, has made plain Assad can play no role in a future Syrian government.
"We are not expecting this meeting to be a big breakthrough either, but we're going to keep working it," a second senior U.S. official told reporters with Kerry.
Kerry makes his first foreign trip as senior U.S. diplomats, along with counterparts from Britain,ChinaFranceGermany and Russia, will meet Iranian officials on Tuesday in Kazakhstan in an effort to persuade Iran to curtail its nuclear program.
The United States and many of its allies suspect Iran may be using its civil nuclear program as a cover to develop atomic weapons, a possibility that Israel, which is regarded as the Middle East's only nuclear power, sees as an existential threat.
Iran says its program is solely for peaceful purposes, such as generating electricity and making medical isotopes.
Bruce Riedel of the Brookings Institution think-tank said Saudi King Abdullah would regard himself, rather than Kerry, as the listening party and want to hear of any new U.S. approaches on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran and other issues.
"There is not a high level of expectation that it is going to be able to break the logjam on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, get Iran to give up its nuclear weapons program and topple Bashar al-Assad," he added. "The Saudis will understand that Kerry will try to put a new face on policies which are now pretty well known but they will be looking for what's new."
(Reporting By Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Paul Simao and Stephen Powell)

In South Carolina, disgraced former governor seeks a resurrection

Mark Sanford pauses as he addresses the media at a news conference at the State House in Columbia, South Carolina September 10, 2009. REUTERS/Joshua Drake
(Reuters) - The appearance by a candidate for South Carolina's 1st Congressional District here last week was delayed. The event's co-host, an undertaker, had been detained at his funeral home by an unexpected "delivery."

A couple of people in the audience laughed as they realized what sort of delivery a funeral home receives. Questions of life and death seemed oddly appropriate because the afternoon's guest of honor was a man who is trying to undergo a political resurrection: former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.
As governor in early 2009, Sanford - a tanned conservative Republican who preached limited government - was widely seen as a potential candidate for president in 2012.
But then he disappeared for six days in June 2009, without telling his family or staff. It turned out he was in Argentina, visiting a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. The episode destroyed Sanford's marriage and earned him a censure from state legislators who agreed that he had brought "dishonor, disgrace and shame" to South Carolina.
And that, it seemed, was the end of the Mark Sanford story.
He served out his term as governor but left office in January 2011 and headed for his family's farm in Beaufort, South Carolina. He became a footnote in a state whose recent political history has been shaped by the rise of the conservative Tea Party movement and the legacy of the late Strom Thurmond, a one-time segregationist and governor who served in the U.S. Senate for nearly a half-century.
Now Sanford, 52, is back - in search of a dramatic comeback by running for the same congressional seat that he won almost two decades ago, before he was governor.
In talking about putting his life back together, Sanford gives off new-age vibrations. During an interview with Reuters, he seemed well-versed in the language of recovery and often referred to his "inner journey."
Even without Sanford and reminders of his scandal, the race has the makings of spectacle: It features 16 candidates in the Republican primary on March 19, including Robert "Teddy" Turner, the rebel conservative son of Ted Turner, the liberal cable television billionaire.
For Sanford, it was a surprising opportunity created by the unexpected retirement of U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, which caused a shift in the state's Republican leadership. Governor Nikki Haley appointed Representative Tim Scott to fill DeMint's seat. The opening of Scott's seat gave Sanford a chance to return to public life that Sanford said he found irresistible.
Given that voters are familiar with Sanford - some of whom have cast ballots for him five times - most analysts expect Sanford to outlast the Republican field, even in a district where some religious conservatives could find it hard to forgive him.
Many of the 15 other Republicans concede that they are hoping to finish second to Sanford, then have other candidates' supporters rally around them (and against the former governor) in a primary run-off vote.
There is another twist: The Republican primary winner is likely to face on May 7 in a special election Democrat Elizabeth Colbert-Busch, an official at Clemson University and sister of comedian Stephen Colbert, who has been known to bring his antics into South Carolina politics. Colbert was scheduled to join his sister at fundraisers in New York and South Carolina this weekend.
The conservative district has sent a Republican to Congress since Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980. So most political analysts in South Carolina expect Sanford to eventually win back his old congressional seat despite his scandal and a celebrity presence on the Democratic side.
But first, Sanford is making the case that he has learned from his fall and moved past his mistakes.
During a coffee gathering on Thursday, Sanford pointed to a woman in the audience he had talked with earlier.
"She said, ‘Mark, quit apologizing,' " Sanford recalled. "I know I need to do that. She said, ‘You did that on the first day. People got that. You need to move on.' And I said, ‘Indeed, I do.' "
During the interview, Sanford said the past few years have changed him for the better.
After confessing to cheating on his wife, he was stripped of his position atop the Republican Governors Association. Six months later, his wife divorced him. He is now engaged to Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine journalist whom Sanford called his "soulmate" during a news conference after the scandal broke, and for whom Sanford gave up his old life.
Meanwhile, Sanford's ex-wife, Jenny Sanford, who used to manage his campaigns, published a memoir titled "Staying True."
After leaving the governor's office and returning to his farm, Sanford said he spent time building a bridge, a cabin and barn with his four sons. He showed off a bruised fingernail, which he said was caused by a falling plank of wood.
"In the wake of so much destruction, I wanted to construct," he said in the interview.
Sanford's longtime friend Tom Davis, his former chief of staff, said that Sanford's time in near-isolation was "Thoreauvian," comparing the former governor's days on the farm to the writer Henry David Thoreau's psychologically therapeutic years living near Walden Pond in Massachusetts in the 1850s.
Sanford seems to agree.
"I said to a buddy, 'You know, I'm becoming a Buddhist Christian,' which is sort of a weird way of putting it, but you know Buddhism focuses on the moment," Sanford said. "I think that ... Western society achievers, whatever your walk of life, are always focused on the next step."
For the most part, Sanford leaves his personal life out of the campaign. He thinks that voters are willing to do the same - even as some opponents' ads have questioned his honesty.
"I've experienced how none of us go through life without mistakes," Sanford said in his first campaign ad released this week. "But in their wake, we can learn a lot about grace, a God of second chances, and be the better for it."
One voter who heard Sanford speak on Thursday in Charleston said that times had changed, particularly among South Carolina Republicans who voted for former U.S. House speaker Newt Gingrich in last year's Republican presidential primary.
Many people in the state backed Gingrich despite fresh allegations that Gingrich had once asked a former wife for an open marriage. Gingrich supporters said they were less concerned with Gingrich's personal life than his politics, and that they favored him as a more conservative alternative to Mitt Romney, the Republicans' eventual nominee for president.
But, "if it had been 25 years ago ... good Lord," said Anne Keigher, 75, an architect from Charleston.
At a time when Washington is viewed by voters as a politically gridlocked failure, Sanford talks about his three terms as a congressman as a success.
He also says he was railing about government spending before it was stylish. His sunny disposition can turn apocalyptic when he talks about debt and the value of the U.S. dollar.
The unfolding drama in Washington over taxes, debt and spending seemed a bit distant, however, when Sanford and 12 other Republican candidates appeared Thursday at a Golden Corral restaurant in Blufton. Each was given five minutes to make a case to members of the Beaufort County Republican Club.
Sanford did not mention his family nor the scandal that put him in national headlines. He did brag about shortening the wait times at the state Department of Motor Vehicles as governor.
Some of Sanford's rivals are frustrated by the attention he gets. One candidate refused to answer questions about Sanford. Another dismissed the "air of celebrity" surrounding the race.
One challenger, Andy Patrick, a former U.S. Secret Service agent who praised his rivals for their conservative values, has sent out a mailer to voters attacking Sanford.
"Many will forgive," it reads, "But how can we forget? Mark Sanford. The trust is gone."
After the turmoil of the last four years, is Sanford comfortable with the attacks that are coming his way?
"No," Sanford said in the interview. "I'm a human being. I bleed."
(Editing by David Lindsey and Cynthia Osterman)

Justices poised to query voting rights focus on South

Security guards walk the steps of the Supreme Court before Justice Elena Kagan's investiture ceremony in Washington, October 1, 2010. REUTERS/Larry Downing
(Reuters) - When the Supreme Court last scrutinized the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2009, Justice Anthony Kennedy peered down from the bench and asked why federal rules were tougher for Alabama and Georgia than for Michigan and Ohio.

Chief Justice John Roberts pointedly added that it seemed lawyers defending the rules, which were created to protect black voters, believed that even in modern times "southerners are more likely to discriminate than northerners."
Now four years later, as the landmark law faces another challenge, the skepticism of Roberts and of Kennedy, often the decisive vote on racial dilemmas, is likely to emerge with even greater force.
In the dispute to be heard on Wednesday, the crucial issue is whether Congress may continue to require certain states, mainly in the South, to show that any proposed election-law change would not discriminate against African-American, Latino or other minority voters.
The screening provision known as Section 5 is one of the pillars of the law passed after the notorious "Bloody Sunday" on March 7, 1965, in Selma, Alabama, when state troopers attacked civil rights marchers with clubs and tear gas. The act broadly prohibited poll taxes, literacy tests and other rules depriving blacks of the franchise. In the 1960s, such measures existed throughout the nation but were especially common in the South with its legacy of slavery.
The modern relevance of the issues was underscored in the 2012 presidential election campaign when courts nationwide heard civil-rights challenges to newly adopted state voting-districts, voter identification laws, and polling-place limits, for example on hours of early voting. The most restrictive laws ended up being blocked before the November elections.
As the 2009 remarks of Kennedy, Roberts and other justices signaled, the conservative Supreme Court majority is skeptical that today's South still needs special oversight. The new case from Shelby County, Ala., is likely to come down to whether Congress documented sufficient evidence in its 2006 renewal of the law to justify treating different locales differently.
The Obama administration is defending the provision, asserting that the South still needs tough supervision. The court's ruling in one of the most closely watched cases this term could affect federal oversight of a swath of states through 2031 as well as the extent of minority participation in elections in crucial jurisdictions.
Nine designated states (and parts of seven others) must obtain federal approval before making any election-law changes, such as for voter-identification rules or in district boundaries. The nine fully covered states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia.
Conservative advocates and southern officials who have banded together against Section 5 say it is an archaic measure that encroaches on state sovereignty. The U.S. government, backed by civil rights groups, counters that in the case of Shelby County v. Holder that Congress has rightly continued to single out places with the worst bias.
In 2009, the Supreme Court avoided the large question about the scope of Congress's power to remedy discrimination and decided the case from Texas on narrow grounds. But Chief Justice Roberts fired a warning shot about how the court might ultimately rule when he wrote, "Things have changed in the South. Voter turnout and registration rates now approach parity. Blatantly discriminatory evasions of federal decrees are rare. And minority candidates hold office at unprecedented levels."
In his brief for the Obama administration defending Section 5, U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli acknowledged that "there is no question that ‘things have changed in the South' since 1965." But Verrilli stressed that Congress found that states covered by Section 5 were still resisting minority voters' "right to participate in the political process."
He pointed to a federal court's decision last year that Texas legislators had redrawn voting districts along racial lines and disadvantaged minority voters. In separate 2012 actions, judges blocked Texas from imposing a tough voter-ID rule and Florida locales from curtailing an early-voting period. Critics of Section 5 note, however, that in 2012 northern states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania tried to impose voting restrictions that were rejected by courts.
When Congress first adopted Section 5 in 1965, it wanted to prevent places with a history of bias from continually imposing new rules that would keep blacks from the polls. As the court observed when it upheld the law against its first challenge, in 1966, Congress found case-by-case litigation costly and inadequate to stop abuses. Congress sought "to shift the advantage of time and inertia from the perpetrators of the evil to its victims," the court observed.
As Congress has repeatedly renewed Section 5, it has retained a coverage formula linked to discriminatory practices of the 1960s and early 1970s. But it has allowed jurisdictions that can show a new, clean record to "bail out" and has extended coverage beyond those states originally covered.
In Shelby County's appeal to the Supreme Court, lawyer Bert Rein says Section 5 and its coverage formula achieved their goals and that Congress failed to document in 2006 the kind of systematic obstruction that originally warranted tough scrutiny.
Still, in Alabama, the U.S. Justice Department has repeatedly and recently blocked proposed electoral changes. One 2008 incident occurred in Shelby County when the city of Calera implemented a redistricting plan that caused the one African American on the city council to lose his seat. After the Justice Department forced Calera to redraw the map with fairer lines, he won his election.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund lawyer Debo Adegbile will represent that council member, Ernest Montgomery, and other Shelby County African Americans, on Wednesday.
Adegbile was at the lectern in 2009, on behalf of African Americans in that Texas case, when Chief Justice Roberts said it appeared the message of Section 5's defenders was that "southerners are more likely to discriminate than northerners."
Adegbile said then, and insists today, that it's not that discrimination does not happen outside Section 5's covered states but that repetitive violations are concentrated in those within its scope. "Voting discrimination continues," Adegbile told Reuters in a recent interview, "particularly in Alabama, and indeed Shelby County's own recent record proves that point."
(Editing by Howard Goller and Eric Walsh)

Senate panel to vote on U.S. Treasury nominee this week

Jack Lew, President Barack Obama's nominee to lead the U.S. Treasury Department, testifies before the Senate Finance Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington February 13, 2013. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
(Reuters) - A Senate panel will vote this week on the nomination of Jack Lew to be U.S. treasury secretary, the committee said on Sunday.

The Senate Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday to vote on Lew, President Barack Obama's pick to replace Timothy Geithner at Treasury, said the panel's chairman, Max Baucus.
At a hearing earlier this month Lew defused heated questions from lawmakers about his work at Citigroup, paving the way for his expected confirmation by the full Senate.
The committee will also vote on Tuesday on the nominations of William Schultz to be general counsel of the Department of Health and Human Services and Christopher Meade to be general counsel of the Treasury Department, the panel said.
(Reporting by Aruna Viswanatha; Editing by Eric Beech)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kerry to visit Europe, Turkey, Egypt, Gulf on first trip

WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 2013 (Reuters) — Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to four Western European countries as well as Turkey, Egypt and the Gulf from February 24 to March 6 on his first trip as the top U.S. diplomat, the State Department said on Tuesday.

Kerry will visit London, Berlin, Paris and Rome, where he will attend a gathering of foreign ministers to discuss the civil war in Syria, and then on to Ankara, Cairo, Riyadh, Abu Dhabi and Doha, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters at her daily briefing.

Kerry was sworn in as secretary of state on February 1, replacing Hillary Clinton.

(Reporting by Arshad Mohammed; Editing by Will Dunham)

Four dead, including gunman, in California shooting frenzy

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 19, 2013 (Reuters) — A gunman on a shooting rampage in southern California killed three people on Tuesday in an attack at a home and three carjackings, before killing himself with a shotgun as officers closed in, police said.

The rolling spate of violence, which saw at least one execution-style killing, spanned several miles across a number of communities in suburban Orange County, southeast of Los Angeles, including in the cities of Tustin and Santa Ana.

The violence again heightened nerves in southern California, just a week after a massive manhunt for a fugitive former Los Angeles policeman wanted in a series of shootings targeting officers and their families ended in a fiery standoff in the mountains above Los Angeles.

In Orange County, authorities first received a call on a shooting before dawn on Tuesday at a home in Ladera Ranch, 50 miles southeast of Los Angeles, said Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino.

Officers arrived to find a woman shot to death. The gunman, who was in his 20s, fled the scene in a sport utility vehicle and headed to the city of Tustin, about 15 miles away, Amormino said.

The gunman committed his first carjacking in Tustin, near the 5 Freeway, where he shot and wounded a person, police said. That person is expected to survive, Amormino said.

Blocks away at an off-ramp for the 55 Freeway, on the border between Tustin and Santa Ana, he targeted a man with a BMW vehicle in a second carjacking, police said.

"He orders him out of the vehicle, walks him to the side of the curb and then executes our victim," said Santa Ana police spokesman Corporal Anthony Bretagna.

Behind the wheel of the BMW, the gunman drove back into Tustin where he committed another carjacking, killing one person and wounding another, police said.

At one point, the gunman also opened fire on a freeway, causing minor injuries to one person and damaging two cars, Tustin police spokesman Lieutenant Paul Garaven told reporters near a command post in his city.

Authorities said they were still investigating the motive of the gunman, who killed himself with a shotgun after officers pulled him over in his stolen vehicle in the nearby city of Orange, police said.

Police said they were still seeking to determine any possible relationship between the gunman, whose name has not been released, and the woman at the home in Ladera Ranch. None of the gunman's other victims knew him, Garaven said.

"We're still investigating how many victims we might have," Garaven said. He added that some more people or cars may have been hit when the gunman opened fire on the 55 Freeway.

Despite early reports he was using two so-called "long guns," which include weapons such as rifles, only the shotgun has been recovered so far and police said it was unclear if the attacker had another firearm.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Andrew Hay)

Friday, February 15, 2013

SEC sues over Heinz option trading before buyout

Feb. 15, 2013 (Reuters) — U.S. securities regulators filed suit on Friday against unknown traders in the options of ketchup maker H.J. Heinz Co, alleging they traded on inside information before the company announced a deal to be acquired for $23 billion by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc and Brazil's 3G Capital.

The suit, in federal court in Manhattan, cites "highly suspicious trading" in Heinz call options just prior to the February 14 announcement of the deal. The regulator has frequently in past filed suit against unnamed individuals where it has evidence of wrongdoing, but is still trying to uncover the identities of those involved.

That trading, the suit said, caused the price of the particular call option they bought to soar 1,700 percent and generated unrealized profits of more than $1.7 million.

The regulator claims the traders are either in, or trading through accounts in, Zurich, Switzerland. The account had no history of trading in Heinz over the last six or so months.

It has also obtained an emergency order to freeze assets in the Swiss account linked to the trading. In the suit, the SEC refers to the account as the "GS Account" and in a statement Goldman Sachs Group Inc said it was cooperating with the regulator's investigation.

"Irregular and highly suspicious options trading immediately in front of a merger or acquisition announcement is a serious red flag that traders may be improperly acting on confidential nonpublic information," Daniel Hawke, chief of the SEC's Division of Enforcement's Market Abuse Unit said in a statement.

Representatives of Heinz and Berkshire Hathaway were unavailable for immediate comment. A 3G representative declined to comment. The founder of 3G, Jorge Paulo Lemann, is from Brazil, but has made a home in Switzerland since the 1990s. He has not been implicated in any wrongdoing related to the deal.

After the deal was revealed on Thursday, options market experts called Wednesday's trading "suspicious and incredibly well-timed." [ID:nL1N0BEBMR]

The suit marks the second time in less than six months that the SEC has taken action over a 3G acquisition. In September 2012, the regulator got a court order to freeze the assets of a Wells Fargo & Co stockbroker who allegedly traded on inside information about 3G's 2010 acquisition of Burger King.

In that case, the SEC said the stockbroker got the information from a client who had invested in one of 3G's funds.

The suit also marks the second time in two years that controversy has erupted over a Berkshire acquisition target.

In March 2011, Berkshire struck a deal to buy chemical company Lubrizol for $9 billion. Less than three weeks later, Berkshire said Buffett lieutenant David Sokol was resigning and disclosed he had been buying Lubrizol shares while pushing Buffett to acquire the company. The SEC dropped a probe into Sokol's trading earlier this year.

The suit is Securities and Exchange Commission v. Certain Unknown Traders in the Securities of H.J. Heinz Co, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 13-1080.

(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel and Bernard Vaughan.; Writing by Ben Berkowitz.; Editing by Leslie Adler, David Gregorio Tim Dobbyn and Andre Grenon)

President Obama honors six staff killed in Newtown school massacre

WASHINGTON, Feb. 15, 2013 (Reuters) — President Barack Obama marked a poignant moment in his push to curb gun violence as he awarded presidential medals posthumously on Friday to six educators killed in the Newtown school massacre, saying they gave their lives to protect "the most innocent and helpless among us."

Consoling tearful relatives as they stepped on stage at the White House, Obama paid homage to the four teachers and two administrators killed in the December 14 shooting rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, a tragedy that sparked nationwide calls for tighter gun control laws.

Though Obama made no public mention of his gun-control drive, the solemn ceremony unfolded against the backdrop of vocal resistance from gun advocates and their supporters on Capitol Hill to any new restrictions. In private, however, the president was said to have assured victims' relatives: "We're really trying to get something done."

As Obama handed out the Presidential Citizens Medals, the nation's second-highest civilian honor, he focused on the slain women's courage. Twenty first-graders were also killed in the attack, which was carried out by 20-year-old Adam Lanza.

They came to school that morning with "no idea that evil was about to strike," Obama told the audience. "And when it did they could have taken shelter by themselves, they could have focused on their own safety, on their own well-being, but they didn't."

"They gave their lives to protect the precious children in their care and gave all they had for the most innocent and helpless among us. That's what we honor today."

Obama, who has called the day of the mass shooting the worst of his presidency, is moving swiftly to try to build momentum for gun control legislation. He even used his otherwise policy-heavy State of the Union address on Tuesday night to make an impassioned appeal for lawmakers to act.

But he faces an uphill battle against a powerful pro-gun lobby and a strong U.S. tradition of hunting and gun ownership. The right to bear arms is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

Principal Dawn Hochsprung, school psychologist Mary Sherlach and teachers Rachel D'Avino, Lauren Rousseau, Anne Marie Murphy and Victoria Soto were killed in the attack.


At the same time as Obama paid tribute to the Sandy Hook educators, he honored a dozen other Americans in fields that included child development, gay rights, military veterans assistance, immigrant outreach and helping disabled women. They were selected from among nearly 6,000 nominations.

But he gave special attention to the Newtown victims, wrapping mothers and daughters in his arms as the families stood one-by-one to accept the medals.

Hochsprung's mother wiped away tears as she was handed the award. The 47-year-old principal was shot dead reportedly when she sought to confront the shooter after hearing gunshots.

D'Avino's sister, Sarah, who recounted Obama's closed-door comment, said his meeting with the families contrasted with his visit to grief-stricken Newtown in December in the aftermath of the massacre, when he carefully avoided discussing the fraught politics of gun control.

"What he said today is that we're really trying for you," she told reporters after the ceremony in the East Room. Her 29-year-old sister provided behavioral therapy at the school.

D'Avino acknowledged the political hurdles but insisted they could be overcome.

"I don't think anyone is insinuating we're trying to take away every single gun in the country. But there is no reason this kid was able to fire off as many rounds as he did, in as little time as he did," she said. "Nobody is protecting their home with a Bushmaster and a 30-round clip, I'm sorry. They are not."

Sherlach's husband Bill blew a kiss toward the heavens and patted his heart as he stood with Obama. "There needs to be a number of things addressed - gun safety, mental health, school safety and parenting," he said later outside the White House.

With a packed second-term agenda that includes immigration reform and climate change, Obama - who has pledged to use the full power of his office to secure tougher gun laws - is seeking progress on the issue before painful memories of December's shooting fade from the public's consciousness.

His push for reinstatement of a ban on assault rifles is seen as possibly the toughest sell in a country where many Americans see gun control as an infringement of their rights.

Obama's call for criminal background checks for all gun buyers is seen having the best chance of winning over Republicans, but that proposal also faces opposition.

The influential National Rifle Association has launched a major advertising campaign against Obama's gun proposals and deployed its lobbyists in force on Capitol Hill.

By Matt Spetalnick
and Margaret Chadbourn

(Additional reporting by Mark Felsenthal; Editing by Vicki Allen and David Brunnstrom)