
Monday, March 4, 2013

Guns Made America: Guns Will Break America

From the time Europeans bought gun powder from the Chinese and devised a way to take the lives of other men, the white culture has used this deadly invention to terrorize the world. Thinking of bigger and more destructive ways to kill more and more people at one time instead of with a single shot.

With this weapon in conjunction with the threat of death, the white man have dominated countries across the globe. Taken natural resources, murdered villages, nations of people, and stolen what was naturally theirs. They have built an entire country on the procedure of fear and murder. They have no remorse, sympathy, or concern for any culture other than their own.

They have made survival of the fittest a most murderous a lifestyle; a mind-set, a normal way of life. Indoctrinating the country's citizens with this same mind-set; to be ruthless in business, selfish in personal desire, and cut-throat in getting ahead even if it means taking from the poor to make a gain of their own.

Guns are now for sport and competition. They are now an excuse to live and defend against what the media has described as crazed, dangerous mental patients drugged off the creation of money-greedy capitalist drug companies and corporations supported by the federal government. Guns are a necessity for everyone so anyone can have an excuse to kill someone of another race without question.

Violence and murder lay wait in the darkness of a deep mental illusion of paranoia created by the madness of a children of ancient history. Police carry guns and walk through elementary schools, through shopping malls, down quiet neighborhood streets awaiting any suspicious movement perpetrated by any suspicious character.

Violence and death shall surely bring down a country that believes the answer to war is more war and the answer to gun violence is more guns.

© 2013 by CR Hamilton

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