
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Michelle Obama and Ann Romney preview debate
By: Byron Tau
October 2, 2012 06:15 PM EDT
The candidates’ wives got into the debate expectations game Tuesday, both sharing with CNN their thoughts and predictions for what will happen when their husbands meet on stage for the first time in Denver on Wednesday night.
For Mitt Romney, the debates are seen as a high-stakes must-win narrative changing contest for a candidate who has lagged in the polls. Both he and President Barack Obama are under the glare of the national spotlight, with their campaigns eager to capitalize on any misstep by the other side — and that’s very much on the minds of their wives.
“I get so nervous at these debates,” first lady Michelle Obama told CNN’s Jessica Yellin in a preview of an interview that aired Tuesday. “I’m like one of these parents watching their kids on the balance beam.”
The president and his aides have been working overtime to try to lower expectations going into Wednesday’s encounter, but the first lady raised the bar for her husband — praising his abilities and rhetorical skills.
“He doesn’t need much advice. I mean, he’s been doing this for quite some time. So he knows the job. He’s been doing it for quite some time. He’s a very good debater,” she said.
Still, the first lady said that she doesn’t try to put any pressure on the president.
“I do tell him to have fun and relax,” the first lady said. “The truth is, if he’s the Barack Obama the country has come to know and trust, he’s going to do a great job.”
Romney said that her husband has a unique pre-debate routine that pays homage to Mitt’s late father George Romney.
“As soon as he gets on stage, the first thing he does is he takes off his watch and puts it on the podium. But then he writes ‘Dad’ on the piece of paper,” Romney told CNN’s Gloria Borger.
“He loves his dad, respects his dad — doesn’t want to do anything that would not make his father proud,” Romney said. “Just a reminder that, yes I’m here, but dad I love and respect who you are, what you’ve taught me, what kind of a person you are and I’m going to honor that.
She also said that Romney searches the audience for her face throughout the debates.
“Almost after ever answer that he gives, he’ll find me in the audience,” she said. “To see — was that good, was that okay?”
“So even on stage, there’s an emotional connection that’s happening between the two of us during the debate itself,” Romney said.
The full interview with Romney and Obama will air Wednesday on CNN.

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