
Friday, October 5, 2012

The narcotics cop and Big Bird.

If you are a criminal lawyer you can understand where I am coming from with this next issue that I have when I am doing my (second) day job. 

So you are asking a veteran narcotics officer some questions at a preliminary hearing. He is sitting in the witness box and you know that he is lying through his teeth, but you can't call him on it, because...well, he is a veteran narcotics officer. He is good at it, because he has been prepped by the District Attorney's office, and he has been doing it a long time. So what do you do? You call him on it. You tell him that you know he is lying over the objections of opposing counsel. The Judge will sustain the objection of course, but then you tell him again that he is lying, just to let him --and everyone in the room-- know how incensed you are that an officer of the law would lie under oath.

Poor President Obama was not a trial lawyer; he was a law professor, and it showed last night. When Mitt was telling lie after lie in the thin air of Denver, (28 and counting) all he could do was stare at him like a deer caught in the middle of the night on a country road. And, to his credit, the more Mitt got away with it, is the more he lied. The shady narcotics cop had the law professor on the run.

Now,unlike my man Chris Matthews, I don't think President Obama's performance was all that bad. Yes, Flipper beat him, but only time will tell if his Mel Gibson on steroids act played well with sane moderate voters.

Folks are saying that President Obama could have closed the deal and that he failed to do it. This, of course, is ludicrous. The American chattering class and their media bosses wasn't going to allow this deal to close quite so early. There is still money to be made from advertising dollars. We need people to watch these next three debates, and listen to all the chattering that leads up to them. I suspect that even if President Obama had given a good performance last night the main stream media would have declared him the loser. 

Honestly, other than the fact that Mitt wants to take Big Bird's job, I didn't get anything from last night's debate. (Big Bird??!!WTF?) The talking points and the usual back and forth was typical and to be expected. I expected Mitt to tell us how is going to fire people, and I expected President Obama to let us know what a disaster of a country he inherited. I wasn't disappointed on either front.

President Obama talked a good game on the stump again this morning, but we all have to wonder where his fire was last night. He said that there was a different Mitt on stage with him. Well, some of my Obamaholic friends would argue that President Obama wasn't on that stage, either.

The good news for President Obama is that he has two more bites of the apple.(And he only has one wedding anniversary every year.) The bad news for president Obama is that he has never been in a court room staring down a shady narcotics cop.   

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